We all look for a job once we complete our education. A job or a vocation is an important element to fulfil the need of the self and the family. This is a set of 4 books all related one way or the other with a job. While one book tells how to prepare for an interview, second one explains how to succeed at group discussions, third one gives details of what goes on in the campus corporate, the forth book explains the terms associated with the world of job placement. . This set of 5 books has been bound together in a convenient pack and offered to readers at an attractive discount. The names of the books and their prices are displayed in brackets: 1) Preparing For Winning Interview (Rs 175), 2) Concise Dictionary Of Placement (Rs 150), 3) The Complete Guide To Group Discussion (Rs 195), 4) Campus Corporate (Rs 395) #v&spublishers