Organic Chemistry for Competition for IIT - JEE is authored by O P Tandon. This along with other books by same author is referred by students for preparation of competitive exams including IIT and other engineering colleges like NIT etc. The book is good for basics and gives the content in easy to understand manner. Organic Chemistry-O P Tandon is available second hand online or on rent to save maximum money.
Between March 2011 and March 2012, Manish Tiwari and Rajan Pandey travelled across Uttar Pradesh, by bike, jeep, bus and train, covering more than 15,000 kilometres and 350 constituencies in over 60 districts in an effort to witness the prelude to the 2012 assembly elections, and capture the grassroots reality of Indias most politically significant state.
From the by-lanes of Shanghai to the farmer's markets of Santa Monica, Ranjini Rao and Ruchira Ramanujam have been there, done that and picked up a motley of aromas, tastes and inspirations for their culinary experiments over the years.
Title The Land of Flying Lamas Other Real Travel Stories From the Indian Himalaya 1 by Gaurav Punj- Rent or Buy New Book on Author Gaurav Punj About The Book Himalayas, the abode of Shiva has always offered mystical experiences to those who have traversed the treacherous terrains and trekked in the chain of majestic mountains.
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Title Strategic Management by Sandhya Singh- Rent or Buy New Book on Author Sandhya Singh The first unit of this book introduces Business policy . The first unit of this book introduces strategic management, the set of decisions and actions that result in the design and activation of strategies to achieve the objectives of an organization.
Title International Finance Management by Atul Sharma Neeshu Sharma- Rent or Buy New Book on Author Atul Sharma Neeshu Sharma This book is divided into different chapters and every chapter included sufficient number of figure & tables.
Title INDIAN SOCIETY- Rent or Buy New Book on Author Indian society is multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world's great civilizations.