This is a very good book and it contains many examples also Students can taketests which are auto-evaluated and can get instant feedback upon completion.V Labscontains over 100 test problems that the students can try out to test their skills in variousC concepts such as 'data types', 'operators', 'branching', 'looping', 'functions', 'classes'etc. Choose Option to Rent or Buy New or Buy Second Hand, Used Book-
Title: Essentials of Management
ISBN: 9781259005121
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Author: Weihrich , Koontz
Publisher: TMH
The ninth edition of this well known text continues to integrate theory with practice. As inthe previous editions, the systems model serves as the framework and integrates fiveconstituent management functions Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, andControlling. Choose Option to Rent or Buy New or Buy Second Hand, Used Book-
Title: Essentials of Management
ISBN: 9781259005121
Best prices online -
Author: Weihrich , Koontz
Publisher: TMH
The ninth edition of this well known text continues to integrate theory with practice. As inthe previous editions, the systems model serves as the framework and integrates fiveconstituent management functions Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, andControlling.