Title The World of Inspiring Quotations by Mahendra Saraswat- Rent or Buy New Book on Pustakkosh.com
Author Mahendra Saraswat
Table of Contents Action, Adversity, Age Arts?Books & Reading; Film & Theatre; Music; Painting; Poetry; and Sculpture Awareness, Beauty, Character, Charity, Cheerfulness, Children & Childhood Communication , Community, Confession, Conscience, Courage Crime & Punishment, Criticism , Death & Grief, Discipline,Doctor & Medicine Drink & Abstinence, Duty, Education , Enthusiasm, Equality, Eternity, Faith Fame, Family , Food Habits, Foolishness, Forgiveness, Freedom (Liberty), Friendship Goal, God , Good & Evil, Government & State, Grace, Happiness & Sorrow Health, Hinduism , Holiness, Home , Honesty, Hope, Humility, Humour, Idleness Ignorance & Learning, Justice, Knowledge, Law , Life, Love, Man & Mankind Manners, Marriage, Maturity, Mind , Moderation , Money, Nature, Obedience Optimism , Parents & Off springs, Patience, Peace, Perseverance , Politics, Prayer Providence , Prudence, Religion , Repentance, Self-Control, Self-Reliance, Silence Simplicity , Sin , Solitude, Sport & Play, Success, Suffering, Tact, Teachers, Time Tolerance , Travel, Truth, Values, Virtues, Vision & Vocation, War, Wisdom Woman , Wonder, Work, Worry, Youth, Zeal